Basic Information about Exam

The SEHS entrance exam primarily aims to evaluate an individual's abilities for admission to some selective high schools in Victoria.

ACER (Australian Council for Educational Research) administers the centralized selection process on behalf of the Department of Education in Australia.

This exam assesses one's abilities rather than past achievements and is in written form, which includes a particular emphasis on higher order thinking skills. Main points about the tests are:

The knowledge required in each section of the test does not surpass what is taught in the Year 8 curriculum.

In 2024, the selective school entrance exam will include:

  • Reasoning tests
    • Reading
    • Mathematics
  • General Ability
    • Verbal
    • Quantitative
    • Creative writing
    • Persuasive writing
Exam takes approximately 3 hours.
ACER and DoE, don't disclose question count, test duration or exact format.

Selective Entry Topics for Reading

The reading test in the Selective School Entry Exam evaluates students' skills in understanding and interpreting written texts, as well as their ability to apply logical reasoning to answer questions based on the provided passages.

Although ACER or DoE do not disclose the details of exact topics, historically the reading test has evaluated students on including but not limited to::

  • Answering inference based questions based on various passages
  • Apply logical reasoning
  • Vocabulary questions
  • Sentence rearrangement question

One might encounter a reading question like this:

In the following excerpt from a poem, what is the author's attitude towards the subject?

"Whose woods these are I think I know.
His house is in the village though;
He will not see me stopping here
To watch his woods fill up with snow."

  1. Admiration
  2. Indifference
  3. Intrigue
  4. Disdain
Sample questions by ACER
Time 35 minutes
Tentative Questions 50
Reading Practice Tests

Selective Entry Exam Tentative Topics for Mathematics

The mathematics test for selective entry into schools in Victoria (SEHS) typically evaluates a student's comprehension of fundamental mathematical topics at a year-8 level, such as Arithmetic, Algebra, Ratios, Geometry, Measurement, Data Interpretation, and other relevant areas.

One might encounter a mathematics question on ratios like this:

At Greenfield Elementary School, students are involved in various after-school clubs. The ratio of students in the gardening club to the science club to the chess club is 5:3:2, respectively. If there are 120 students in total participating in these clubs, how many students are in each club?

A) 50 gardening, 30 science, 40 chess

B) 25 gardening, 45 science, 50 chess

C) 40 gardening, 20 science, 60 chess

D) 30 gardening, 40 science, 50 chess

Sample questions by ACER
Time 30 minutes
Tentative Questions 60
Mathematics Practice Tests

Selective Entry Exam Tentative Topics for Verbal

The verbal ability test for the Selective School Entry Exam, also known as the "verbal reasoning" test, assesses students for the topics of language comprehension and manipulation skills, covering vocabulary, analogies, and verbal comprehension topics.

An example of a verbal reasoning question that might appear on the Selective School Entry Exam in Victoria, could be:

Select the word that best completes the analogy:

Book is to author as song is to _____.

a) musician

b) singer

c) audience

d) composer

Sample questions by ACER
Time 30 minutes
Tentative Questions 60
Verbal Ability Tests

Tentative Topics for Quantitative for Selective Entry Exam

The quantitative ability test also known as numerical reasoning test for Selective Entry in Victoria is designed to assess students' ability to interpret and analyze numerical data, as well as their aptitude for making logical deductions and inferences based on this information.

Although ACER or DoE do not disclose the details of exact topics, historically the reading test has evaluated students on including but not limited to::

  • Word Problems related to Time and distance, Profit & Loss, Area and volume etc.
  • Various problems related to Number and Alphanumeric Series
  • Data Interpretation
  • Fractions and Percentages

One might encounter like this:

What is the missing number in the following series?

254, ?, 62, 30, 14, 6, 2

  1. 127
  2. 42
  3. 144
  4. 126
  5. 226
Sample questions by ACER
Time 30 minutes
Tentative Questions 50
Quantitative Practice Tests

Participating schools

Selective high schools

Participating selective schools

Victorian Selective Entry High Schools cater to intellectually gifted students in grades 9 through 12 who have a high level of academic achievement.

These schools are:

If you have any specific queries regarding the subjects or programs offered by selective entry high schools, or want to enquire about enrollment for Year 10 and above, it is recommended to directly contact the concerned school.

Dates for selective entry 2024 exam

Important dates 2024

Monday 5 February 2024 10am

Applications open

Friday 3 May 2024 11:59pm

Applications close

Tuesday 30 May 2024

Advice sent to parents/carers on exam arrangements

Saturday 15 June 2024

Selective Entry High School exam

Importance of Selective Entry High Schools (SEHS) Examination

The Selective Entry High Schools (SEHS) examination is an important assessment test for students in Victoria, Australia. This examination is designed to assess the academic abilities of students who are seeking admission to selective high schools in Victoria.

Is spending money on Selective test preparation for your child not a financial priority for you right now?

Know more about this

Access to Quality Education

SEHS examination provides students with the opportunity to attend high-quality selective schools, which offer a challenging and rigorous academic curriculum. These schools are known for their excellent academic programs, highly skilled teachers, and outstanding resources, which can help students to achieve their academic goals.

Competitive Advantage

Admission to selective high schools is highly competitive, and students who are successful in the SEHS examination have a competitive advantage over other students. These schools have a reputation for producing successful graduates who excel in their chosen careers.

Personal Development

Attending a selective high school can also provide students with personal development opportunities. Students in these schools have access to a diverse range of extracurricular activities, including sports, music, drama, and clubs, which can help them to develop their leadership skills, social skills, and personal interests.

Answer booklet

How to use the answer booklet

About SEHS exam answer booklet

When taking the Selective Entry High Schools (SEHS) Examination, students are provided with an answer booklet where they must mark all their responses.

In the reasoning and general ability sections, which are multiple-choice, it’s important to shade the answers correctly for the machine scanners to read them.

Adhering to the instructions given on the exam day is essential to ensure that all answers are processed accurately.

Looking to ace the Selective Schools Entry Examination For Victoria (SEHS)?

Our platform offers comprehensive platform provides ACER format practice tests along with all of the topics mentioned above.

Selective Entry Victoria - Mathematics Test Series

Selective Entry Victoria - Mathematics Test Series

Test series for Mathematics for selective school entry exam for Victoria to cover the Mathematical Reasoning section of the exam. ACER format questions along with some new creative questions.
9 Tests
378 Questions
Free trial test available
Selective Entry Victoria - Quantitative Ability Test Series

Selective Entry Victoria - Quantitative Ability Test Series

The Quantitative Ability test series for Selective Entry Exam Victoria (SEHS) 2024. ACER format questions, along with some new diverse formats.
7 Tests
279 Questions
Free trial test available
Selective Entry Victoria - Reading Test Series

Selective Entry Victoria - Reading Test Series

Reading practice test series to cover the reasoning part for the selective school entry exam for Victoria.
6 Tests
264 Questions
Free trial test available
Selective Entry Victoria - Verbal Reasoning Test Series

Selective Entry Victoria - Verbal Reasoning Test Series

Verbal reasoning test series for selective school entry exam for Victoria 2024. Questions are designed according to past ACER format tests and some new diverse questions.
6 Tests
330 Questions
Free trial test available
Victoria Selective Entry Exam - Complete Practice Test Series

Victoria Selective Entry Exam - Complete Practice Test Series

Complete practice test pack containing tests of four subjects Reading, Mathematics, Verbal ability and Quantitative ability, in ACER questions format.
31 Tests
1291 Questions
Free trial test available