Our Selective Entry Victoria - Reading Test Series tests cover the Reasoning – Reading section of the Victorian Selective Entry High Schools exam.

This provides a diverse range of practice questions on reading comprehension, drawing inferences from small texts, understanding the meaning of words in specific contexts and many more.

  • 5 complete tests and 1 mini free trial test.
  • Timed practice tests to simulate the real exam conditions.
  • Multiple test attempts. Request more, free of cost, if needed.
  • Comprehensive answer explanations to help students learn from their mistakes.
  • Know the time spent on each question and understand where you have been slow.
  • Detailed performance reports to identify strengths and weaknesses.
Victoria Selective School Entry Exam - Reading Practice Test Series




Full tests list

These free trial tests give you a taste of our full test series. Trial tests are a mini reflection of exam style tests.
This full-length practice test mirrors the actual selective entry exam. Experience the format, timing, and question types you may encounter on test day.
These are some additional mini practice tests on specific topics. These tests are mini in size, but difficulty level is same of more as that of actual exam.