Based on the latest proficiency standards NAPLAN - Proficiency level descriptions, this is our most popular NAPLAN practice test series for year 3 students.

This is a full NAPLAN practice test series for Year 3 students who want to assess their preparation for the NAPLAN exam. This collection of tests comprises tests for:

- Language Conventions
- Numeracy
- Reading

All the tests are available to attempt online. The test questions are based on the same pattern as in past NAPLAN papers, an online exam available for public viewing and on some of our creative formats. Our test series and platform effectively identify which areas of this subject the child is good at and where he/she needs improvement.

Free access to any upcoming additional NAPLAN practice tests for Year 3 subjects.

Tip: To achieve strong results in the NAPLAN exam, begin preparation as your child nears the end of Year 2.

NOTE: Please be informed that these practice exams are not officially approved or ratified notifications of the NAPLAN program and are produced by Curious4Ever independently of the Department of Education.

NAPLAN Year-3 Complete Practice Test Pack




Full tests list

These free trial tests give you a taste of our full test series.
These bite-sized tests focus on specific areas of the Year 3 NAPLAN curriculum.
This full-length practice test mirrors the actual Year 3 NAPLAN exam. Experience the format, timing, and question types you'll encounter on test day.